

May 2014

KARGO Jutphase-Bridge BDS 2014

During the weekend of 16,17 and 18 May 2014 CT deBoer completed Phase 3 of KARGO Project. The Jutphase bridge with its span of almost 140meter and weight 1400Ton is going to be renovated during the next year with the aim of expanding its lifespan to approximately 30years. He’s has been place back almost 50centimeter higher than before so larger ships may sail through the Amsterdam-Rhine Canal. An auxiliary bridge has been set in place to minimize disruption to local residents and the (shipping) traffic, this one has been mounted on the weekend of 17 May. The Jutphasebrug has been shifted to make room for the auxiliary bridge.
Courious about our maneuver? Feel free to check our timelapse video:


January 2014

Markthal, Rotterdam

Check our Timelapse: demontage 3-setter soc WSW
TBI J.P. of Eesteren is currently building the Market Hall, near Blaak station in Rotterdam.
It is a horseshoe-shaped building. To be able to build, use was made of a massive support which can move back-and-forth the roof. The support consists of 620 tons of steel and is 41m high. To disassemble the support has been devised in a special way so that under the roof made, the support can be removed. The full support is now attached to the roof and bottom still disassembled into parts.
Another typical implementation idea of Civiele technieken deBoer bv. This is our strength!


June 2013

CT deBoer and KWS-infra Renovate Galecopper-Bridge

Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment has commissioned the renovation of the Galecopperbrug (A12). The refurbishment extends the lifespan of the bridge in Utrecht on the Amsterdam-Rhine canal with 30 years.
The Galecopper-bridge is dealing with cardek fatigue. Main reasons for this is the big growth in traffic and heavier trucks than expected during its construction in the 70s. The Galecopper-bridge will also be raised a few centimeters so that it is suitable for ships with four layers of containers.
The contract was awarded for an amount of around 80 million euros. In total, the work takes two and a half years to complete. For the summer holidays started restoration at the bottom of the bridge. In 2014 and 2015 the main work will be done on the car deck on top of the bridge. Automobilists must take traffic congestion into account.
The project will be done by a combination of multiple companies, called “combinatie Galecom”. CT deBoer works together with Mercon, Hollandia en KWS Infra. see News article.


February 2013

Zie Civiel,

De Vakgroep Civiele Betonbouw van Bouwend Nederland biedt in samenwerking met Civilion, het opleidingsinstituut voor de civiele bouw, excursies naar civiele bouwprojecten aan voor groepen in de laatste jaren van het voortgezet onderwijs: vmbo, ROC (Bouw en Techniek) havo 4 of vwo 5.
Deze excursies zijn gratis.
Klik hier voor meer informatie en voor het aanmeldingsformulier.